Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 6/30/22

Year: 2022

The aim of the Maritime Faculty Journal is, by means of publishing articles based on original scientific research, to contribute to the domestic and international literature related with maritime business administration, marine transportation engineering, marine engineering, logistics management, logistics engineering, and any other fields embracing transport, seaborne trade and shipping issues. 

Having been published twice a year since 2009, Dokuz Eylül University Maritime Faculty Journal has embraced original and academic articles. The basic fields it has comprised have been maritime business administration, marine transportation engineering, marine engineering, logistics management, logistics engineering, transportation and all other seaborne trade related issues.

DEU Maritime Faculty Journal is indexed in TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Database.

The language involved in and used by the Journal is Turkish, but the articles created in English language are also published.

The articles published in Maritime Faculty Journal cannot be used without giving reference to the relevant article. The authors are scientifically responsible for their manuscripts.

The articles to be evaluated by Maritime Faculty Journal should be prepared according to the guidelines listed below:

Submission of Articles

Articles prepared according to the author guidelines should be submitted to the journal through http://dergipark.gov.tr/deudfd

Writing Style and Page Layout

Articles submitted to Maritime Faculty Journal should be written in Microsoft Word format with Times New Roman 11 font size and single-spaced. The articles, which are not suitable for the conditions related to the formatting, are returned back to the author(s) without sending to the referees.

Page layout should be A4 format and margins should be:

Top: 5 cm

Bottom: 5 cm

Right: 4,5 cm

Left: 5 cm

Length and Page Numbers

The total length of any article submitted for publication should not exceed 30 pages including appendices and references. However, Editor and/or Editorial Board can consider longer papers upon the approval. The articles are expected to have minimum 10 pages. Page numbers should be avoided.

The Article

The article file includes the parts of the study. No author’s details should be provided in this file. A manuscript submitted to the Journal should include the following parts:

– Title,

– Abstract, key words,

– Introduction,

– Main text,

– Conclusions,

– End notes (if there is any),

– References and

– Appendices (if there is any).

Title of the Article

The title of the article should be written in bold (all letters in capital letters) with 12-point size and it should be set centered. English title should be written in Turkish manuscripts.

Full names of the authors should be written under the main title. In the presence of more than one author, the authors should be numbered with headers.

The titles, institutions and e-mail addresses of the authors should be mentioned in the footer. In the presence of more than one author, the corresponding author should be mentioned. In case the corresponding author is not mentioned, the author who sent the article to the journal is contacted.

Abstract and Keywords

The length of the each abstract should be minimum 150 words and maximum 180 words. The article should include an abstract in Turkish and in English at the beginning of the article in Turkish manuscripts. The abstracts should concisely present the aim or the purpose of the study, the methodology, the results, and the conclusion remarks. References are not cited within the structured English or Turkish abstracts and the abstracts must not contain abbreviations.

· Title of the abstract: Capital letters, bold, Times New Roman, centered in 10-point size and italic.

· Manuscript of the abstract: Times New Roman, 10-point size and italic.

· Five (5) keywords that are important and relevant to your manuscript should be written both in English and in Turkish.

· The articles can be written in English or in Turkish. All articles should have English and Turkish titles and abstract.

Main Text and Section Headings

The main text should be in Microsoft Times New Roman with 11 pt. The whole main text should be justified. Paragraph spacing before and after a single paragraph (0 nk) should be given. The first line of the paragraph is to be shifted by 1 cm from the left margin. Headings and sub-headings of the manuscript should be numbered as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1. in hierarchical numbers (excluding the references). The headings should be partitioned up to 3 levels (ex. 1.2.4.) In case more than 3 levels are needed, the headings should be italic and bold with no numbers.

All letters of primary headings should be capital letters and bold. The first letter of the sub-heading should be capital letter and bold. All headings should be designed 12 pt and Times New Roman.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively, as Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, and Tables and figures should be placed where they are most appropriate in the text. The titles of the tables should be placed at the heading of the table. The titles of the figures should be placed under the figure. References belonging to table or figure should be placed under them. The figures and tables with their names should be centered in the text. First letters of the titles of the tables or figures should be capital. In the tables and figures, the font size may be 9 -11 pt. Figures and tables should be separated from the text by one-line interval. Complex and long tables or data can be put at the end of the study as appendixes.

Example for Table and Figure Titles:

Table 1:Literature Review on Performance Measurement Methods at Seaports (11 pt)

Figure 1:Conceptual Model of the Study (11 pt)

Mathematical Notations and Equations

Mathematical equations in the text should be centred. Equations should be numbered consecutively and equation numbers should appear in parentheses at the right margin. Between an equation and text there should be an interval of (6 nk).


In-text citations, the author’s last name, date of the publication, the number of the quoted pages (if there is a specific quote from a source used) should be mentioned.

Example: …… are mainly considered in the relevant literature (last name of the author, year: page number)

If there are two authors the surnames of both should be given. When there are 3 or more than 3 authors in the cited source, only the surname of the first author followed by “et al.” should be written. When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year, these are distinguished by adding lower case letters (a,b,c, etc.) after the year and within the parentheses. For multiple references, the citations should be ordered chronologically and separated them with semicolons.

In-Text Citation

For single author:

(Stopford, 1997: 67)

For two authors:

(Bryman and Teevan, 2005: 13)

For more than two authors:

(Rodrigue et al. 2006: 54)

Footnotes and Endnotes

Explanations in the main text should be given at the end of the article before references section, and they should be written in order.


The list of references should be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript. Each citation in text should be listed in the References section, and references that are not cited in text should not be written in the References section. If the author referred to more than one publication from the same source, the oldest publication should be listed first. If the author referred to more than one publication from the same source published in the same year, the publications should be numbered using the letters a,b,c…, as citation in the text. If one author’s several publications, some with one some with two or more authors, are referred to, the publications with one author should be written first. Page numbers of articles published in the journals and chapters in the edited books should be written.

The abbreviations used in the cited sources should be written in terms of the language of the study regardless of the cited sources.


Stopford, M. (1997). Maritime Economics. New York:Routledge.

Bryman, A., & Teevan, J. (2005). Social Research Methods. Canada: Oxford University Press. (For studies written in English)

Rodrigue, J. Comtois, C., & Slack, B. (2006). The Geography of Transport Systems. New York: Routledge

Alpugan, O., Demir, H., Oktav, M., & Üner, N. (1995).İşletme Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları. (For studies written in Turkish)


Mangan, J., Lalwani, C., & Gardner, B. (2001). Identifying relevant variables and modelling the choice process in freight transportation. International Journal of Maritime Economics, 3 (3), 278-297.

Anderson, E.W., Fornell, C., & Lehmann, D.R. (1994). Customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability: Findings from Sweden. Journal of Marketing, 58(3), 53–66.


Atik, O. & Cerit, G. (2008). Government support for sustainability of marine salvage services: a case for Turkey. In: Proceedings of IAME 2008 Conference. Dalian, China.


DPT (2000). İklim değişikliği özel ihtisas komisyonu raporu. Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma planı, Ankara.


Heaver, T. (2002). Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Implications for Liner Shipping, in C. Grammenos (Ed.), The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business, pp. 375-396. London: LLP Informa Publishing.

Cerit, A.G., Deveci, D.A., & Denktaş Şakar, G. (2013). Denizcilik İşletmeleri Yönetimi: Sınıflamalar, İşlevler ve Deniz Ulaştırması. A. G. Cerit, D.A. Deveci & S. Esmer (Ed.), Denizcilik Işletmeleri Yönetimi (s.3-21). İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.


Atlay Işık, D. (2010). Yat turizminde holistik pazarlama ve Türkiye için farklılaştırma stratejileri, Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.


Deniz Ticareti Genel Müdürlüğü. (2012). Deniz Ticareti Analizleri. Erişim Tarihi: 04.01.2014, http://www.ubak.gov.tr/BLSM_WIYS/DTGM/tr/YAYINLAR/20120816_142103_64032_1_64346.pdf,

Once the authors prepare their papers in terms of above instructions, they are requested to make revisions considering the check list as follows

Are spelling and grammar checks done?

Is the text written in single line spacing?

Is page layout set to A4 with the margins of top:5 left:5 bottom:5 right:4,5 cm?

Is article text (main text) written in Times New Roman with the font size of 11?

Is the Turkish title of the article written with the font size of 12, bold, all capital letters, and centered?

Is the English title of the article written with the font size of 12, bold, all capital letters, and centered?

Are the headings within the main text written with the font size of 12, bold, all capital letters, and justified?

Are the sub-headings within the main text written with the font size of 12, bold, all capital letters, and justified?

Is/are the full name(s) of the author(s) written under the main title and numbered?

Is/are the full name(s) of the author(s) written in Times New Roman, with the font size of 12 and bold?

Is/are the title(s), institution(s) and e-mail adress(es) of the author(s) numbered and given in the footer?

Are the Turkish abstract and 5 keywords written in Times New Roman, with the font size of 10 and italic?

Are the English abstract and 5 keywords written in Times New Roman, with the font size of 10 and italic?

Are the references written correctly and presented in alphabetical order?

Are the citations of the papers with more than two authors written like (Cerit vd. 2013: 10) in Turkish, or (Cerit et al. 2013: 10) in English?

Does each citation in the text also exist in the References section and vice versa?

Are decimals written with comma in Turkish, and with period in English? (Tr 10,25) (Eng 10.25)

Are the percentages in Turkish given according to the example? (eg. %63, %10)

Are the percentages in English given according to the example? (eg. 63%, 10%)

Are the tables and figures numbered consecutively? (Table 1, Table 2…)

Are the titles of the tables written with the font size of 11 and centered above the table? Example: Table 1: Broker Selection Criteria List

Are the titles of the figures written with the font size of 11 and centered below the figure? Example: Figure 1: Equal Distribution Curve

Is the text within the tables and figures written in Times New Roman, with the font size between 9-11 and centered?

Are the mathematical formulas and equations in the text numbered consecutively and centered?

Is the interval of (6 nk) given between an equation or formula and the text?

Is the article length between 10-30 pages including appendices and references?

Publishing Ethic Codes Adopted by DEU Maritime Faculty Journal

Dokuz Eylul University Maritime Faculty Journal undertakes to apply the publication ethics to the highest standards and to comply with the following principles in order to prevent Publication Ethics and Abuse. These principles are based on the recommendations and guidelines developed by the journal editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Council of Science Editors (CSE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Editor’s Responsibilities

Decisions on Article Publishing

The editor of DEU Maritime Faculty Journal is responsible for deciding on which of the articles submitted to the Journal to be published are appropriate to be published. The editor is also entitled to make final decisions on which of those articles submitted will be published in the Journal and decide on the policies regarding the articles, which are against and/or violating the sense of honor, and/or ethical principles of scientific approach, which have violated copyright regulations, which have plagiarized. The entitlement of the editor comprises the right to deliberate and exchange views with the referees while making any publishing decisions. The editor is also responsible for the contents and the overall quality of the articles to be published. In addition to such substantial responsibilities, the editor is supposed to establish an appropriate, reliable and fair process of referee review.

Interest Conflicts

The unpublished materials involved in the articles submitted to the Journal are not allowed to be used by anyone else without the clear written permission from the author(s) of the article.

Staying Unbiased

The articles submitted to the Journal are for sure evaluated in a manner completely free of prejudice. While evaluating the articles, only and only the intellectual and academic values are taken into consideration not the ethnicity, race, gender, sexual preference, religious belief, nationality and political views of the author(s).


The editor, editor assistants, and the publishing committee are supposed not to release the article-related data and information to anyone else but the author(s) of the article, the referees, any other editor assistants and the publisher.

Click https://publicationethics.org/files/2008%20Code%20of%20Conduct.pdf  to access the PDF document "General Duties and Responsibilities of Editors" prepared by COPE.

The responsibilities of the Referees


If the referee who is assigned to review an article feels that he/she is not competent enough to evaluate the article or is not likely to hand in the evaluation report in due time, he/she must inform the editor accordingly and resign from the review process.


The articles accepted to be evaluated are confidential documents. Such articles must not be released to and/or discussed with anyone but the persons authorized by the editor. Any information and/or views gained through the referee review process are to be kept confidential and must not be used for personal interests.

Staying unbiased

Referee reviews are to be objective; no criticism must be directed to the author(s), and the referees must put forward or express their views clearly and based on supporting arguments.

Declaration/Information about the Sources

The referees are supposed to define or recognize, the relevant published studies which have not been involved in the articles being reviewed. They are also supposed to attract the attention of the editor to any considerable similarity, and/or equivalence he7she has detected between the article under review and any other studies he/she has known.

Interest Conflicts

The referees must not evaluate any articles with the author(s) of which they may encounter any interest conflicts due to any sort of competition, cooperation or whatever relations or contacts between the two sides.

Click https://publicationethics.org/files/Peer%20review%20guidelines.pdf  to access the "Referee Guide" PDF document prepared by COPE.

The Responsibility of the Author(s)

Reporting Standards

Any article submitted to the Journal must be original, and the author(s) must make sure that previously it has not been published in any other journal(s). The data used in the article must be inserted into the study with utmost care, and the article must comprise details and sources at a satisfactory extent. Deceitful and deliberately made mistakes are not acceptable as they are likely to tend to unethical situations.

Access to Data and Retaining the Data

The author(s) might be asked/required to submit any raw data related to the article that could be needed during the evaluation process. So, they are supposed to get ready to provide access to such data and retain it for a reasonable period following the article has been published.

Originality and Plagiarization

The author(s) must create entirely original articles, and if they use any words and/or phrases and/or articles of authors, they must act in compliance with citation rules. Having submitted their articles to Maritime Faculty Journal, the authors are thought to have guaranteed, or ensured, that their articles are original and compliant with ethics standards, all the sources used have rightfully been cited, and they have no similarities and/or equivalence with any other articles already published or at the process/stage of being published.

Getting the Article Published in More Than One Journal

An author is usually expected not to use and get published the contents referring to and/or based on the same research in more than one article. Submitting the same contents simultaneously to more than one journal is not ethical and not acceptable.

Citation of Sources

The sources cited and/or quoted must always be shown in compliance with citation principles. The authors are to use the proper citation requirements for any other articles that affect the basis of their studies reported.

Being an Author to an Article

The term “Author” must be limited to referring to the person(s) who make(s) meaningful and effective contributions to the concept, design, implementation or interpretation of the article/study reported. All the parties/persons who make substantial contributions to the study must follow the first author in the list of the authors. If there are any persons who have been involved in any research projects in terms of various aspects, they must be recognized (indicated), or declared as contributors. The term “author” must also include “an author” who handles contacts and correspondence with the editor of the journal. The author who is recognized as a contact address must have all the co-authors get involved in the article.

Disclosure and Interest Conflicts

All the authors are liable to declare, or disclose any financial sources or interest conflicts that are likely to affect the conclusion or the evaluation and/or interpretation concerning their article.

The Basic Mistakes in the Articles Already Published

If an author notices an important mistake or defect in his/her article that has already been published, he has got to inform the editor of the Journal accordingly and cooperate with him/her in correcting the mistake or the defect.

Click http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/  for ICMJE guidelines on authorship and author responsibilities.

Editorial Principles

1. The language used in the articles submitted to the Journal to be published is required to be either Turkish or English.
2. The articles submitted to the Journal must not be previously published elsewhere nor must they be submitted to any other journals to be published. The articles previously presented at congresses and/or symposiums can be published in the Journal provided that they include notes on the first page explaining the previous presentations.
3. The articles accepted to be published or already published are not allowed to be copied or published in any way whatsoever, unless Maritime Faculty Journal allows to do so through its written permission, but only can be cited provided that the Journal is refereed to as the source of citation.
4. The authors will not be paid any copyright, and they are supposed to have transferred the copyright of their articles to the Journal once the articles have been submitted to the Journal.
5. The authors are to be held responsible for the ideas, opinions or claims put forward through the articles published in the Journal.
6. The articles submitted to the Journal are to have complied with the relevant linguistic rules. The editor and/or the consulting editors are entitles to require the authors to make changes in the form and/or the contents when they may deem necessary.
7. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December. Based on the publishing system adopted by the Journal, the publishing dates may have to get changed and/or shifted. The Journal cannot be claimed or held responsible for such shifts.
8. Authors are obliged to comply with Maritime Faculty Submission Policy.
9. Maritime Faculty Journal does not charge any article submission or processing charges.

Article submission/process operation is free of charge.

Articles published in this journal can not be used without referring to the journal. The authors are scientifically for their manuscripts.

Maritime Faculty Journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) or submission charges.

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